媒体联系人:科迪赫夫纳, (513)608-5777; chefner@shoppinglagos.com



CINCINNATI – Dire wolves and mastodons will once again prowl the halls of Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC). 经过广泛的更新,心爱的 冰河时代画廊 will emerge from its hibernation and transport guests back in time 15,到7月1日的更新世. 更新后的图库将用过去来告知现在, blending scientific analysis with awe-inspiring displays of prehistoric beasts and immersive landscapes.

借鉴其长处 古生物学集合CMC的 冰河时代画廊 will immerse guests in the Pleistocene, surrounding them with its sights and sounds. 寒冷的冰洞和小径上居住着巨大的野牛, 剑齿猫, the Jefferson ground sloth and the iconic dire wolves return with Ice Age plants, updated lighting and soundscape and new projections that illustrate how giant glaciers scoured and shaped the Miami Valley.

在冰河时期, the Greater Cincinnati region was a crossroads for megafauna drawn to natural salt deposits in the area. 作为乳齿象, 猛犸象, 巨大的野牛和高大的地懒在平原上吃草, 可怕的狼和剑齿虎在森林中徘徊. 人类猎人也跟踪这些巨大的野兽. 这些运动, 马蹄声, 爪子和脚, 开辟了早期拓荒者和定居者的足迹, 最终, 现代道路. The evidence of the clashes between predator and prey are scattered along creek beds and buried under rocks throughout the region.

“The impacts of the Pleistocene Epoch continue to resonate today. 事实上, it is the animals of the Pleistocene discovered near Big Bone Lick that launched the first paleontological expedition, 使其成为美国脊椎动物古生物学的发源地,格伦·斯托斯说, Ph.D., Withrow Farny Curator of Paleontology at Cincinnati Museum Center.

New to the gallery is a fully-articulated mastodon skeleton that will convey the size of the prehistoric beast in stunning detail. 一具古代巨型野牛骨架也将展出, along with horns and skull specimens alongside modern bison specimens, showing the similarities and stark differences between the ancestors. The ways animals adapted from the Pleistocene to modern eras will be further illustrated by several other bone and fossil specimens, 包括史前可怕的狼, 剑齿猫, 北美狮子,巨型海狸和现代灰狼, 美洲狮, 美洲虎和海狸. A collection of Clovis points – stone points used as tools and weapons including darts and spears – help tell the story of human interaction with other animals living in the region at the time.

也是新加入的 冰河时代画廊 对气候变化是否有更彻底的研究. Geologic evidence of climate change is supported by the changes in plant and animal species, 包括它们的大小, 独特的适应和灭绝. The Pleistocene and its tragic end for many species is one example of natural climate change, but the impact of humans is illustrated in stark detail by modern scientific research – human actions are causing the rapid rise in global temperatures we are experiencing today. Like the climate change animals faced at the end of the Pleistocene, scientists with citizen scientist partners are documenting disruptions that affect the ability of animals to thrive as conditions change. Like their (and our) ancestors, species today need to adapt and move or perhaps face extinction. 幸运的是, scientific research also shows us the many choices we can make, 作为个人, as communities and on a global scale to manage how much and how quickly global temperatures may rise.

“我们想通过我们的电影讲述两个关于气候变化的故事 冰河时代画廊. 更新世之一, in which gradual but natural changes led to significant changes and dire outcomes for some of the Ice Age’s species; and one of our current era, 其中快速, 人为影响可能不可逆转地颠覆生态系统,伊丽莎白·皮尔斯说。, 辛辛那提博物馆中心的总裁兼首席执行官. “The hope is that we can educate this and future generations who may be better stewards of our planet and all its inhabitants.”

CMC的 培养更多的好奇心 活动正在更新 冰河时代画廊 可能的. This $85 million campaign will reimagine CMC的 exhibits and programming. CMC is seeking community support to close out the campaign’s final $18 million. To donate or learn more information about 培养更多的好奇心, visit supportcmc.org.


Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized institution and national historic landmark. 致力于激发社区对话, 洞察力和灵感, CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012. CMC is one of a select few museums in the nation with both of these honors, 使其成为独特的资产和重要的社区资源. 结合终端 has been voted the nation's 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects. Organizations within CMC include the 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 杜克能源儿童博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 《十大赌博平台排行榜》,罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院® 剧院和辛辛那提历史图书馆 & 档案. Recognized by Forbes Traveler Magazine as the 17th most visited museum in the country, CMC欢迎1名以上.每年800万人次. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 6szhmu.shoppinglagos.com.

The $85 million 培养更多的好奇心 campaign is shaping Cincinnati Museum Center’s future while creating generations of critical thinkers to power the innovation of our region. By Championing More Curiosity and helping build the future of Cincinnati Museum Center, 你们可以推动我们地区的经济繁荣. 培养更多的好奇心 will build or reimagine over a dozen permanent exhibits and galleries and equip state-of-the-art labs for cutting-edge research for students from elementary grades to post-docs. 今天睁大眼睛的探索者将是明天的创新者. We work shoulder-to-shoulder to engage our community in monumental moments of epiphany, 奇迹和联系. 因为我们激励着每一代人去学习, 在辛辛那提博物馆中心茁壮成长, 我们支持更多的好奇心. Consider making a lifelong impact by donating in support of Championing More Curiosity at supportcmc.org.